About Us
The LATINSAFE initiative originated during the 45th São Paulo Radiological Meeting (JPR) in May 2015, with a focus on the theme "Diagnostic Imaging in the Correct Dose," emphasizing radiation protection for patients. Following discussions on strategies to reduce and optimize radiation doses, a group of experts decided to establish LATINSAFE, a Latin American Alliance dedicated to advocating for the reduction and optimization of radiation doses in the region. The initiative involved radiologists from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and the USA.
LATINSAFE also collaborated with Image Wisely and Image Gently during the RSNA Annual Conference in 2015, engaging in discussions with various international radiological protection campaigns to exchange information and ideas. Activities under LATINSAFE included seminars and lectures promoting the importance of dose reduction and optimization in radiology.

Executive Committee 2024-2026

Position in Latin Safe: President
Position outside Latin: Member of the CBR Radiological Protection and Appropriateness Criteria Commission (2028-atual)
Member of the Task Group ICRP 126 (2023-2024)
Professor and Supervisor of the Radiology in the Pontificia University Catholic of São Paulo

Position in Latin Safe: Director, Radiation Protection Research
Position outside LatinSafe:
President of the CBR Executive Board (2023-2024)
President of the South Regional - CIR
President of the Associate Professor of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo.

Position in Latin Safe: Director, Radiation Protection Education
Position outside LatinSafe:
Director, Webster Center for Quality and Safety, Department of Radiology
Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School

Position in Latin Safe: Director, Radiation Protection Surveillance
Position outside LatinSafe:
President of the Inter-American College of Radiology (CIR).
Medical director of Oroño Medical Diagnosis (DMO)

Position in Latin Safe: Director, Imaging with Empathy
Position outside LatinSafe:
Pediatric radiologist, specialist in Bioethics and Epidemiology.
Head of the Diagnostic Imaging Service – Roosevelt Institute (Bogota – Colombia). Member of the
Board of Directors. Leader of the Contrast Media Commission.
Member of the Artificial Intelligence committee. Coordinator of the Ethics Committee – Colombian Association of Radiology.

Position in Latin Safe: Director, Quality and Safety
Position outside Latin Safe:
Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
Webster Centre for Quality and Safety, Department of Radiology
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Honorary Liaison Officers

Adelanir Barroso, Nucl. Phys
Position in Latin Safe: Honorary Liaison Officer
Position outside LatinSafe:
Member of the Radiological Protection Committee of the Brazilian College of Radiology Vice-President (1985 to 2005) of the Brazilian Society of Biology, Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SBBMN)

Adlin Lopez, Nucl. Phys, PhD
Position in Latin Safe: Honorary Liaison Officer
Position outside LatinSafe:
Full Professor and Assistant Researcher. Department of Physical Sciences, University of La Frontera (UFRO), Temuco, Chile. Specialist in Medical Physics and Protection in Nuclear Medicine, Dosimetry, Calibration Management and Maintenance

Alair Sarmet, MD, PhD
Position in Latin Safe: Honorary Liaison Officer
Position outside LatinSafe:
Professor of Radiology at the UFF Faculty of Medicine Coordinator of the CBR Radiological Protection Commission (2023-2024).
Former CBR President (2019-2020) and Member of the CBR Advisory Board.

Alejandro Nader, DMD, Radiation Portection Specialist - IAEA - RPoP - NSRW
Position in Latin Safe: Honorary Liaison Officer
Position outside LatinSafe:
​Radiation Protection Specialist, IAEA Division of Radiation Safety

Ana Geao, N.M.Tech
Position in Latin Safe: Honorary Liaison Officer
Position outside LatinSafe:
Coordinator of the Nuclear Medicine Service at CUF Descupadas Hospital.
Adjunct Professor at Escola Superior de Tecnologa da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL)
Chair of the Nuclear Medicine Expert Committee of the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS) Postgraduate in Management.

Position in Latin Safe: Honorary Liaison Officer
Position outside Latin Safe:
Medical Physicist at Sirio Libanes Hospital

Flavio Morgado, B.Math, PhD
Position in Latin Safe: Honorary Liaison Officer
Position outside LatinSafe:
Professor at Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo

Graciano Paulo, Tech, PhD
Position in Latin Safe: Honorary Liaison Officer
Position outside LatinSafe:
President of ESTeSC-IPC (Coimbra Health School) Past President of EFRS;
Full Professor of MIR; Head of WHO Collaborative Center for Radiation Protection

Joana Santos, Tech, PhD
Position in Latin Safe: Honorary Liaison Officer
Position outside LatinSafe:
Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy, Coordinator Professor Coimbra Health School (ESTeSC-IPC) Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde- Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra

Position in Latin Safe: Honorary Liaison Officer
Position outside LatinSafe:
Director, Global Outreach for Radiation Protection, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston

Position in Latin Safe: Honorary Liaison Officer
Position outside LatinSafe:
President-Elect, American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)
Chair, Science Committee, International Organization of Medical Physics (IOMP)
Chair, ACR Commission on Medical Physics and Member of Board of Chancellors (ACR)
Member of Small Group of Experts on Medical Exposures (SGE-med) - United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR)

Position in Latin Safe: Honorary Liaison Officer
Position outside LatinSafe:
Medical Physicist Researcher
Former president of the Latin American Society of Medical Physics.
Past President's Committe

Position outside LatinSafe:
Radiologist with emphasis on abdominal imaging.
Abdominal Imaging Coordinator. Abdominal radiologist at Alta Diagnostics. Ex Director of the Brazilian College of Radiology.
Former president of the Latin Safe initiative

Position in Latin Safe: Director, Imaging with Empathy
Position outside LatinSafe:
Pediatric radiologist, specialist in Bioethics and Epidemiology.
Head of the Diagnostic Imaging Service – Roosevelt Institute (Bogota – Colombia). Member of the
Board of Directors. Leader of the Contrast Media Commission.
Member of the Artificial Intelligence committee. Coordinator of the Ethics Committee – Colombian Association of Radiology.

Position in Latin Safe: Mentee (Brasil)
Position outside LatinSafe:
Senior radiology resident at PUC-SP (Brasil)

Marcos Tadeu Sakano, Med. Student
Position in Latin Safe: Mentee (Brasil)
Position outside LatinSafe:
Second year medical student at Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo (PUC-SP)

Position in Latin Safe: Mentee (Brasil)
Position outside LatinSafe:
Senior medical student at Universidade Cidade de São Paulo

Position in Latin Safe: Mentee (Ecuador)
Position outside Latin Safe:
Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
Webster Centre for Quality and Safety, Department of Radiology
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School